Sunday, September 19, 2010

For the love of God - week 2

More work on the Community Garden:

Saturday, September 11, 2010

For the love of God

With a work party scheduled for shaping our new community garden, I was praying that we would see a few extra faces at breakfast this morning. Imagine our surprise when Gail and I arrived to prepare for Morning Prayer. Five of our homeless community, three of whom were new arrivals, were already patiently waiting for breakfast.

Following our 4-week trial period the decision was made to continue with Saturday MP and breakfast even though prayer attendance averaged four, the breakfast averaged eight. This morning twelve attended morning prayer and I lost count of those attending breakfast – it seemed as if Gail would never finish cooking eggs!

With several members staying on to work on the garden project, the fellowship was, as usual, fulfilling. Indeed, the Holy Spirit was among us as our small, but hard working crew set to work with excitement and enthusiasm.

Our community, both inside and outside of our buildings, share a relationship of hard work, love and respect. It is so obvious that our combined love of God is shared every day.
