Monday, April 4, 2011

Saturday fellowship

7:45 AM on Saturday saw the Rev. Joe Hensley, Associate Rector at St. Luke's, and a longtime friend of St. Joseph's, bring his youth catechesis class to Matins. Joe's idea was to give this great bunch of young people added experience of helping in the community as part of their weekend retreat.

What a success this turned out to be. After Gail explained where everything was kept, she left it to them to prepare breakfast.

After Morning Prayer it didn't take long for duties to be mutually allocated and agreed (with no adult interference). Cooking eggs, cheese and toast seemed to be enjoyed by those involved and we soon sat down to a hearty breakfast.

After breakfast, and the inevitable clearing up, we checked out the church who uses our upper room - St. Basil the Great Romanian Orthodox Church. Mick explained that was one way that St. Joseph's shared it's resources with the community at large and how a wonderful family spirit was being created between the two churches, despite the differing traditions.

Joe took some time to point out and explain those differences, especially the use of Icons. We all took time to study the many on display and to meditate on their meanings.

Joe, enjoying a well-earned mug of coffee, whilst Gail enjoys a rare "easy" morning. We thoroughly enjoyed their company.